That is what he looked like at the shop where I found him. Well, in person, he looked much clearer, but I didn't have my good camera with me. I didn't make a good decision financially that day. But I still got that steel horse. Today I contacted the creditor and we are making arrangements for them to come and pick him up. I don't know how much longer I will get to keep him, but there is nothing I can do to change what will happen. I will get a new steel horse at some time in the future. Of that I am certain. I will make a better financial decision between now and then, and I will make a much better decision when I get to that point. For now, I find myself wondering if I should still call myself The Steel Horseman. I have already made a decision to move away from blogspot. As I mentioned a year or two ago, I no longer wish to be "stalked". I won't tell the "stalker" or her friends where to find me. Since at least one is a friend of mine, I guess that would not make me a good friend. So it will be. Looking forward. I will contact, through email, everyone who I know reads this blog regularly. I will let you know where to find me. If I miss anyone, please leave me a comment and a means to contact you, and I will be sure to let you know where to find my new blog. I promise, it will be much better.

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